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Sher Dental supports the American Dental Association’s recommendation that everyone have a dental exam and routine cleaning of their teeth at least every three to six months. This is the best way to ensure that your smile remains brilliant and your mouth stays healthy. Preventative maintenance is always better than having to repair damage that has been allowed to occur. Regular check-ups and cleanings are also more cost effective, because it can catch small problems before they become big ones. In the event that your teeth require a deeper cleaning due to heavy calculus, plaque build up, or bone loss, Sher Dental may recommend a Full Mouth Debridement or Scaling and Root Planning also known as an SRP which is performed by quadrant. Sher Dental will give their best efforts to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Without a good foundation for your teeth in your bone and gums, the teeth will have a greater chance of becoming loose and infected.